Den Bylaws

After gathering the names of people and creating your Den name and officers, please print and mail your den contract to:

Marlene Thomas ~ Vice Chairperson for Dens

42762 Road 415

Coarsegold, CA 93614

phone: 559-683-5592




Section l-A - The name shall be ____________________ of The Good Bears of the World (hereinafter known as DEN).

Section 1-B - Den shall be organized in the State of _______________ and shall be recognized and chartered by the parent association, The Good Bears of the World (hereinafter known as GBW) and abide by all regulations set forth by the GBW Constitution & Bylaws.



Section II-A -
We believe that the teddy bear is a universally accepted symbol of love and comfort and we declare the objectives of DEN shall be to foster and promote good will, alleviate trauma and suffering, and spread love and compassion through the sharing and giving of teddy bears.

Section II-B -
DEN shall be governed by this Constitution & Bylaws, by regulations set forth by GBW, by the laws of the United States of America and by the laws of any other appropriate jurisdictions.

Section II-C -
No part of the net earnings of DEN shall ever inure to or for the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that DEN shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purposes for which it was formed.

Section II-D -
Norwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, DEN shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Section II-E -
The fiscal year of DEN shall begin on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December.


Section III-A - DEN
membership shall be granted to any applicants, willing to support the realization and perpetuation of the objectives of GBW. DEN members must be or become individual GBW members.

Section III-B -
A localized group of at least six (6) individual members, united to further the objectives of GBW, shall be recognized by the GBW Executive Board as a Chartered DEN. Den must maintain a minimum of six (6) members and all DEN members must be or become individual GBW members.

Section III-C -
Rights, privileges and obligations of membership are subject to the following:

members have the right to vote at a GBW General Membership Meeting.

III-C-2 -
If a membership ceases, or is terminated or revoked, all rights, privileges and titles shall cease.

Section III-D -
Annual DEN memberships shall receive a membership card, logo sticker(s), and a one-year subscription to the GBW journal, Bear Tracks. First-year memberships shall also receive a GBW badge.

Section III-E - Resignation -
Any member may terminate their DEN membership by submitting a written resignation to the Board of Directors. Membership fees will not be refunded or transferred, in whole or in part.

Section III-F -
The DEN Board of Directors may revoke memberships, if dues are not paid within sixty (60) days after their expiration dates. DEN shall provide written notification that unless dues or fees are paid, annual memberships may be terminated. Anyone whose membership has been terminated for expiration of dues or fees may apply for renewal of their membership.



Section IV-A -
DEN members shall pay their dues annually to the DEN Treasurer.

Section IV-B -
Upon formation, each DEN shall pay an initial charter fee, and each year thereafter shall pay an annual charter renewal fee on or before the anniversary date of their charter. Charter and charter renewal fees shall be paid to the GBW Treasurer, or other duly authorized representative(s).

Section IV-C -
Annual DEN membership dues shall be paid yearly on or before the anniversary date of the DEN Charter.


Section V - A -
The DEN Officers shall consist of the Chairbear, the Vice Chairbear, the Secretary and the Treasurer and shall be elected by a simple majority vote.

Section V-B -
A candidate for election to a DEN office shall be a DEN member in good standing.

Section V-C -
The terms of office for DEN shall be ____________________.

Section V-D -
If a temporary absence or a vacancy occurs in the position of Chairbear, the Vice Chairbear will fill the absence or the un-expired term and the new Chairbear shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term of Vice Chairbear. If a vacancy occurs in any other position, the Chairbear shall appoint a voting member to fill the un-expired term.



Section VI-A -
The Chairbear shall preside at all DEN meetings. The Chairbear shall supervise the work and activities of DEN and perform such other related duties as may be required.

Section VI-B -
The Vice Chairbear shall assume the position of Chairbear if that officer is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of their office and perform such other related duties as may be directed by the Chairbear.

Section VI-C -
The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and perform such other related duties as may be directed by the Chairbear.

Section VI-D -
The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate account of DEN funds. The Treasurer shall ensure the deposit of all funds into DEN accounts and shall perform such other related duties as may be directed by the Chairbear.

Section VI-E -
All officers must remain DEN members in good standing for the entire duration of their terms of office.


Section VII-A -
Except where otherwise noted, this Constitution & Bylaws, and amendments thereof, shall be in force from the date(s) of their adoption. This Constitution & Bylaws, and amendments thereof, shall be subject to appropriate regulatory review and approval.

Section VII-B -
This Constitution & Bylaws may be amended at any DEN membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the DEN members present, or represented by proxy, and voting, provided written notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to each member at least two (2) months prior to the meeting.


Section VIII-A -
A resolution to dissolve DEN shall be in the form of a resolution to rescind the present Constitution & Bylaws, and shall meet the requirements as set forth in Article II, Sections C and D and Article VIII, Section B.

Section VIII-B -
Upon the winding up and dissolution of DEN, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of GBW, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation, which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or religious and/or scientific purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.





Approved and Date

Good Bears of the World
Terrie Stong, Executive Director
P.O. Box 13097 Toledo, Ohio 43613 USA

© Copyrighted 2020 Good Bears of the World
All rights reserved worldwide.

Web site developed and managed by CyberDenDesigns